
Worship Guide for upcoming service : March 23

Worship Guide for the following service : March 30

Sunday Service Schedule

The services are held at 10:00 AM from the first Sunday after Labor Day in September through
the second Sunday in June. Summer services are held at 9:30 AM.

There is also a Black Coffee and Prayer (BC&P) gathering from 9 to 9:30 in the Village Hall each Sunday from September through June.



May I know that I am Beloved.

May he/she know that they are beloved.

May we know that we are Beloved.


There is no right or wrong way to Pray

  1. Prayer is communication; it can be spoken or silent; it can be sound or story; it can be a picture or a dance.
  2. Prayer can be done as often as you wish. Every week, every day, every hour, every minute.
  3. Prayer can be shared but doesn’t have to be. It can be done alone or with a friend. It can be done with a family or in nature; it can be done in church or on the street.
  4. There is no right or wrong way to pray.
  5. You can pray anywhere — just stop and pause.
  6. Prayer can be done in any mood or temper.
  7. Prayer can be for yourself or another person. Pray for guidance.
  8. Prayer doesn’t have to have a certain structure or words. It is the conversation that is important.
  9. Prayer does not need a special occasion.
  10. Only one prayer is necessary


Prayer for Stillness

It is when we are still that we know.

It is when we listen that we hear.

It is when we remember that we see your light,

O God.

From your Stillness we come.

With your Sound all life quivers with being.

From You the light of this moment shines.